Minneapolis ARTCC
Controller Schedule
September 18th, 2024
Online Controllers
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(1/3) DLH483 KMSP EDDF Enroute

Privacy Policy

Minneapolis ARTCC collects information to support services provided on our website. This Privacy Policy outlines the methods in which information is collected, used, and shared.

Last updated June 11, 2023

How Information Is Collected

Information Provided To Us
  1. General. Minneapolis ARTCC collects information from parent organizations such as VATSIM and VATUSA, and when users log-in and interact with the Minneapolis ARTCC website.
  2. Log-in and Account Creation. When you log-in to the Minneapolis ARTCC website using VATSIM credentials, information including (but not limited to) your name and e-mail address are provided to us for the purposes of creating an account.
  3. Transfer/Visitor. When you request assignment or visitor status to the Minneapolis ARTCC from the VATUSA website, information including (but not limited to) your name and e-mail address are provided to us for the purposes of creating or updating an account.
  4. VATSIM/VATUSA. We communicate regularly with VATSIM and VATUSA to keep our user information up-to-date. This includes updating names, e-mail addresses, and other VATSIM information such as ratings.
  5. Application/Website Logging. Your web browser may provide information such as your operating system, IP address, or other technical information which may be captured by various analytical platforms, such as Google Analytics or in the Minneapolis ARTCC website logs.
  6. Data Feed. We may display publicly-available information on the Minneapolis ARTCC website provided by the VATSIM Data Feed.
  7. Discord. When you link your Discord account to your Minneapolis ARTCC account, we record Discord credentials for the purposes of associating the two accounts and for other services involving Discord.
Information Provided By You
  1. General. When you use services provided on the Minneapolis ARTCC website, information that is generally regarded as personal may be provided to us by you. This includes (but is not limited to) your name and email address.
How Information Is Used

We collect information for the following purposes:

  1. To personally identify you. Certain services provided on the Minneapolis ARTCC website must know the identity of the user in order to function properly.
  2. To send messages. We may send messages to you via email for general and personalized notifications. VATSIM policy permits Minneapolis ARTCC to send general emails on an opt-in basis only. Certain status emails (e.g. training reminder and event assignment emails) will be sent regardless of your opt-in status. Optionally, users can link their Discord accounts to receive notifications via Discord.
  3. To display some information publicly. We display your name and VATSIM/VATUSA/ZMP credentials and statistics on our website. We do not display any other personally-identifiable information such as your e-mail or birth date publicly.
  4. To collect analytical data. We may collect information for the purposes of analyzing how users on the Minneapolis ARTCC website interact with website services.

How Information Is Shared

We may share information with the following entities:

  1. VATSIM, and associated entities
  2. VATUSA, and associated entities
  3. Other entities where required by law

Other Information


Cookies are information stored by the user’s browser and accessed by the Minneapolis ARTCC website for the purposes of enhancing the user experience. This allows us to know who is requesting and using our services, provide authentication and authorization checks to restricted areas. Users may choose, at their own discretion, to disable cookie access from within their browser; however, the functionality of the Minneapolis ARTCC website will be severely limited.


By accessing the Minneapolis ARTCC website, you agree to all provisions of this privacy policy. Due to the nature of the services provided, it is not possible to opt-out of data collection while continuing to use this site.

You may request a purge of your personally identifiable information from this site. To do so, you must request an account deletion at https://membership.vatsim.net and then contact the Minneapolis ARTCC Air Traffic Manager at atm@minniecenter.org requesting a data purge. We will then delete your personally identifiable information from the website within 30 days.

Minneapolis ARTCC does not guarantee that information collected by or shared to third parties will be purged in this process.

Copyright © 2018-2024 Minneapolis ARTCC | Privacy Policy
All information contained on this website is intended for flight simulation purposes only and should not be used for real-world navigation or flight information. vZMP is in no way affiliated with the Federal Aviation Administration, NATCA, or any other governing aviation body. Images and other media remain property of their respective copyright holders and are used with permission and credited where requested. Banner images provided by Chris Lundberg.